Foundation News
Bacon le cannibale

Bacon le cannibale


Our Foundation financially supports Perrine Le Querrec’s last book Bacon le Cannibale, published by Hippocampe Editions in mid-October.

Using sources in the archives of the MB Art Collection (paintings, graphic works, letters, objects, photographs, and working documents, all from Bacon’s studios), the book constructs a poetic and sensitive portrait of the man and his work. From reluctant words and stubborn silence Perrine Le Querrec creates language and vision. The study and manipulation of archives and images occupy an essential place in her writing.

“To the question “Which writer has influenced you?” I would answer, without hesitation: Francis Bacon. If not a writer, he has always been an essential source of inspiration and guidance. I would never write “stories”, I would seek to compose a language that addresses the body, sensations and nervous system, a language as living and incarnate as possible. Archives are a source of memory, emotion and poetry which hold a fundamental place in the construction of my writing. Thus, in tribute to Francis Bacon, a painter who used archives and photographs, working with images in all their longevity and decay, their surface and depth, I turned to his own archives, his portraits, and his objects. These archives, conserved by a lover of Bacon’s work, have given substance to my passion. Keenly shadowing him, tracing the pattern of his actions and materials, I attempt a Study for a portrait of the artist. Through archive and poetry, I am as close as possible to a flamboyant, heart-breaking, lonely, universal creation.” 
Perrine Le Querrec